The Do’s and Don’ts of Lip Blush Aftercare: Expert Advice from Kittaya Royal Beauty, Sugar Land

Lip blush is a transformative semi-permanent makeup procedure that adds a natural flush of color to your lips, enhancing their shape and definition. 

At Kittaya Royal Beauty in Sugar Land, TX, we understand the importance of proper aftercare to ensure the longevity and stunning results of your lip blush. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share the expert do’s and don’ts of lip blush aftercare, empowering you to embrace the beauty of your newly enhanced lips with confidence.

The Do’s of Lip Blush Aftercare

Keep Your Lips Hydrated: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using a hydrating lip balm. Proper hydration promotes faster healing and prevents dryness, ensuring that your lip blush heals evenly and beautifully.

Follow the Aftercare Instructions: After your lip blush procedure, our experienced technicians will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions. It’s essential to follow these guidelines meticulously to optimize the healing process and achieve the best results.

Gently Cleanse Your Lips: Keeping your lips clean is vital during the healing process. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to gently cleanse your lips twice a day. Pat them dry with a clean, soft towel.

Apply the Recommended Ointment: Our experts will recommend a specialized healing ointment to apply on your lips during the initial healing period. This ointment helps keep the lips moisturized and aids in the healing process. Use it as directed to avoid potential complications.

Use a Straw for Drinking: To prevent unnecessary friction on your lips, consider using a straw for drinking during the healing phase. This precaution ensures that your lip blush retains its color and shape as it heals.

The Don’ts of Lip Blush Aftercare

Avoid Touching Your Lips: Refrain from touching or picking at your lips during the healing process. Touching your lips can introduce bacteria, leading to infections and potential color loss.

Avoid Hot and Spicy Foods: During the initial healing period, it’s best to avoid hot and spicy foods, as they may cause irritation to your lips. Opt for soft, cool foods to minimize discomfort and promote proper healing.

Steer Clear of Lip Products: While your lip blush heals, it’s essential to avoid using any lip products, including lipsticks, lip glosses, and lip liners. These products can interfere with the healing process and affect the final results.

Say No to Direct Sun Exposure: Exposing your lips to direct sunlight during the healing phase can cause fading and may result in uneven healing. Protect your lips with a lip balm that contains SPF when stepping out into the sun.

Avoid Submerging Lips in Water: Refrain from submerging your lips in water, such as swimming pools or hot tubs, for at least two weeks post-procedure. Prolonged exposure to water can affect the color retention of your lip blush.


Lip blush at Kittaya Royal Beauty in Sugar Land, TX, offers a natural and long-lasting enhancement to your lips. Following the do’s and don’ts of lip blush aftercare is essential to achieve optimal results and maintain the beauty of your lip blush for years to come.

As a leading provider of semi-permanent makeup services, we take pride in our expertise and personalized care for our clients. Embrace the allure of lip blush and enjoy beautifully enhanced lips that radiate natural charm.

Remember, proper aftercare is key to the success of your lip blush procedure. Trust our expert advice and let your lips blossom with confidence. 

Choosing Kittaya Royal Beauty for your permanent lip blush procedure in Sugar Land, TX, and the neighboring areas of Missouri City, Rosenberg, and Stafford is an investment in beauty, artistry, and personalized care. Our skilled and certified professionals are dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty, providing exceptional results that will leave you feeling confident and radiant. 

Embrace the convenience of effortlessly defined eyes, and take the first step towards long-lasting beauty. Schedule a consultation with Kittaya Royal Beauty today and unlock the transformative potential of permanent eyeliner.


Kittaya Nelson, founder of Kittaya Royal Beauty in Sugarland Texas. She’s a military active duty spouse and mom of two high school boys who has been providing semi-permanent cosmetics for eight years. Kittaya Royal Beauty has been open since 2021, but Kittaya’s experience in beauty dates back to 2003. She started her first PMU company Sisaket Body Rejuvenation in 2017 in Japan and now runs a fully booked summer Japan tour every year!

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